PRD Product Requirements Documents

Project Overview

The project overview introduces the PRD and provides context for stakeholders. Begin by precisely outlining the project’s purpose and scope. Highlight the problem or opportunity the product attempts to solve, and the expected results. Keep this section simple but informative.

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Value Statement

The value statement summarizes the expected benefit of a product or new feature. It articulates the product’s value proposition, emphasizing why it is desirable and relevant to the intended audience or platform. The value statement is usually brief and persuasive, attempting to convey the essence of what makes the product valuable in the eyes of its users.

Project Objectives

Outline the project’s goals and objectives. What do you expect to accomplish by building this product? Clearly describe the desired goals, such as increased efficiency, revenue, or better user experience. These goals will drive the development process and provide a clear direction for the project team.


List the features and functions of the product. Each feature should be defined in sufficient detail. Consider categorizing features into functional areas to make development and prioritization easier. Most PRDs will have features, user stories and priorities in a table.

 User Stories

User stories offer insights into user wants, preferences, and problem issues. When developing user stories, utilize the pattern “As a [role], I want [goal], so that [reason]” to communicate the user’s perspective, intended outcome, and motivation. Including user stories in the PRD ensures that the development team understands the user’s point of view and can successfully design solutions to satisfy their requirements.

Mock-Ups or Links to Mock-Ups

Mockups allow stakeholders such as designers, developers, and clients to visualize the finished product. This visualization can help bridge communication gaps and ensure everyone understands the design expectations for the product. Mockups can help clarify design concepts and functionalities. They represent the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) aspects, which reduces ambiguity and any misconceptions regarding the product specifications.

Non-Functional Requirements

clearly describe the product for quality standards and user expectations. This can include information about the product’s performance, scalability, security, usability, and regulatory compliance.


Identify any constraints or limitations that may affect the project, such as the money, timelines, or availability of resources. Understanding these constraints is critical for realistic project planning and scope management. Documenting constraints ensures the project is feasible and stakeholders are informed of potential issues.


Document any assumptions regarding the project, such as user behaviour, technological requirements, or dependencies. Assumptions help to clarify the context and conditions within which the product will function and the project can be successfully delivered. Validate these assumptions throughout the project to reduce risks and guarantee that the product satisfies expectations.


Understanding dependencies is crucial for effective project planning and risk management. Identify any external dependencies for the project, such as third-party libraries, APIs, or system integration. You can also list out internal dependencies that may affect the project.

Project Scope

Defining the scope of a Product Requirements Document (PRD) is important for various reasons.

Clarity and Focus

Clearly outlining the scope ensures that all stakeholders understand what will and will not be included in the project. This clarity lowers uncertainty and limits scope creep, allowing the team to concentrate on providing the most important features and functionality.

Improves Communication and Focus

A well-defined scope improves communication among stakeholders such as the development team, product owners, and end users. It establishes product or project expectations; reducing misunderstandings and disputes later in the project.

Acceptance Criteria

Define clear acceptance criteria for each feature or requirement in the PRD. This ensures e that the development team and stakeholders have the same expectations about the project outputs.


Get approval from key stakeholders for the requirements indicated in the PRD. A sign-off acknowledges and agrees that the written requirements adequately reflect the stakeholders’ needs and expectations. It creates accountability and ensures everyone is on the same page before progressing with development.


List all stakeholders, including the product owner, development team members, end users, and other interested parties. Include their roles, and responsibilities, and ensure the PRD addresses their interests.

Revision History

Keep track of revisions and updates to the PRD during the project’s lifecycle. A revision history promotes transparency and accountability, allowing stakeholders to follow the progress of requirements over time. It guarantees that all stakeholders are informed of any modifications made to the document and understand the reasoning behind them. This section is important because agile projects are typically elaborated over time.

Continuous elaboration is improving and expanding project specifications as it advances. This iterative strategy enables flexibility and adaptation to changing conditions, stakeholder feedback, and increasing project requirements.

Each version of the PRD may result in changes, additions, or deletions to the specifications. A comprehensive revision history should chronicle these changes, providing insight into the document’s evolution.

Tips for Writing a Great PRD

There are thousands of product requirements document templates on the internet. While a good template is important, knowing how to direct a development team using a PRD is critical. Here are some tips since my work as a project manager in the technology industries always involves a PRD

Collaboration and Feedback

Involve stakeholders, such as developers, designers, and project managers in the PRD drafting process. Seek comments and integrate suggestions to improve the document’s quality and alignment with stakeholder expectations. Set up a workshop to discuss and revise the PRD. These discussions allow stakeholders to share their ideas, ask questions, and provide feedback.

Version Control and Documentation

I spent a lot of time discussing document history because PRDs change over time and this needs to be properly tracked. Use version control to track changes and updates to the PRD document. Changes to specifications, mock-ups and designs.

Communicate with Mock-Ups

Use mockups, wireframes, or prototypes to illustrate all aspects of the product interface. This clarifies design expectations which is very important.

Clearly Define Acceptance Criteria

Outline the acceptance criteria for each feature or requirement. These criteria define when a feature is complete and meets the required quality requirements.

Prioritize Features

Prioritize features based on their importance and impact on meeting the product objectives. Use strategies such as MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have) to categorize features.

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